Saturday, April 27, 2013

Las Muchachas, Un Acuario, Un Mueso, y El Programa—Semana Doce

I realize the title for this week is quite long, so for those of you who don’t speak Spanish or need a little help, I’ll give you the translation: The ladies, an aquarium, a museum, and the program—week twelve.

This past week was quite a busy week and far from the “normal” weeks I’ve described the past couple weeks (as you probably figured from the title of this post). There was so much going on around here this past week, it’s hard to remember what a whole five day week of school was like!

We had several wonderful opportunities this week to do some fun things and just enjoy and celebrate the work the kids have been doing in school. On Tuesday, the ladies from the city (Guadalajara) came. This month the presentation was on Holland and the kids learned lots. They also had the opportunity to do a little bit of shopping for clothes, toys, books, and more using Euros. The kids were ALL smiles and loved showing and sharing all of their purchases. This time, we had our own little program for the ladies. We did part of our school program for them as a practice for our kids for the whole real deal on Friday. The kids did a wonderful job and the ladies loved it!

Wednesday, we had a mostly normal day of school aside from practicing our program for part of the morning. Then, on Thursday we went on a little field trip in Cocula. This was not your average “field trip” but the kids loved it and it was fun to have some time outside of school and the house setting to enjoy being with the kids. We went to an “aquarium,” which was actually a pet store with some fish, turtles, birds, tarantulas, and cockroaches. The kids were in awe! They loved looking at all the different kinds of fish and birds, watching the tarantulas eat, and squealing at the sight of the giant cockroaches. After the aquarium, we went a few doors down to the Mariachi Museum. Again, not your typical museum experience. It consisted of a large open room with a mural of mariachi history. The gentleman explained the history and asked the kids questions about the mural, then we were able to look around in a little artifact place that had letters, and actual instruments from long ago! The kids loved getting to see the real instruments and hearing a few of them being played. It was far from your typical, American elementary school field trip, but for us and these kids, it was a wonderful experience. The pet shop even gave us a couple baby turtles.

Friday was the big day. The kids gave out invitations earlier in the week to all of the family members, workers and people who were a part of the ministry, as well as mother and grandfather of the two new boys, inviting them to the school program. We spent most of the morning practicing everything in order, cleaning the classroom, and setting up the school for the program. At 1, the audience arrived, and the kids were filled with nervous excitement! They did a lovely job showing all that they have been learning at school with confidence, excitement and great enthusiasm! I wish I had been able to take pictures of everything, but I think I’ll be able to snag some from those who attended to share with you. Cameras were flashing and video was rolling the whole time. I’m bound to find some good footage to share with you. It was so cool to see how our kids have been growing even in just the three months I have been here! They each were able to display their work during an “intermission” time and everyone was able to walk around and look at all of their hard work. Kids gave speeches, sang phonics songs and grammar jingles, counted, recited a Bible poem and memorized scripture passages and more! It was a wonderful afternoon celebrating these children who are not only growing academically, but in their love for the Lord our God and His word.

It is such a blessing to serve in such a wonderful, Christ-centered place. I am blessed to call this place home and these people family.

Here are a few pictures I was able to scrounge up. I'll post more once I get my hands on them :)
A little science experiment
Phonics Songs- "Ch"
Counting to 10 :)


Thoughts...This is a bit of a random post, not describing the week in terms of what we've done around here, but instead what's been on my mind and heart, and what I've been learning.

I am continuing to pray about the future and what God has in store for me next as so much is uncertain, but I'm resting in the knowledge that He has a plan for my life, even though I don't know it all yet.

Just this week I read an incredible and inspiring book that has challenged me to think a lot about my life. Here's an excerpt from it that I want to share. 
"Thursday, November 22, 2007
Jesus told His disciples that it was God's will for Him to be arrested. He went willingly when the soldiers came to take Him, but enthusiastic, loving Peter raised his sword and cut off a soldier's ear. I'm sure Jesus chuckled and shook His head as He put the ear right back on the man. "put your sword away," Jesus commanded, "shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?" I am Peter. I have my own time frame. When I don't see things happening I try to make them happen. And Jesus says, "Put away your sword, put away your plans. Shall we not do what the Father has asked of us?" So like peter, I put away my plans, my defenses, and watch as everything happens perfectly, in God's own timing.
I am Peter who made many mistakes, but I am Peter who God has great plans for, who God established to do His work." (Italics my own)

I know God has great plans for me and that He has established me to do His work, His will. I like to be in control. Who doesn't? But I am reminded by Katie's words and God's word that I can do nothing of my own power. I can do nothing, but wait on God's perfect timing and plan for my life to be revealed to me and do my best to live every day for Him and build His kingdom.

I would highly recommend the book, Kisses from Katie, as well as her blog, which I am now reading (!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Escuela y Una Fiesta—Semana Once

"Use me then, my Savior, for whatever purposes and in whatever way you may require. Here is my poor heart, an empty vessel; fill it with your grace." ~D. L. Moody

We had yet another (almost) completely normal five day week. With the exception of Friday afternoon, we had a whole week of school. It has been wonderful to be in a routine and not have crazy schedules that change daily both for our sanity (our being the teachers) as well as the sanity of our kids. Things would be pretty crazy around here without all of the structure we’ve found the past couple weeks, so hopefully things won’t be changing or interrupted too often between now and the rest of the school year! I like consistency!

We celebrated two birthdays this week. One of the daughters turned 16 on Sunday and then on Wednesday a long-time intern (better known as a tía, an aunt) had her birthday. There was lots of cake to go around and two more marvelous creations! A popcorn cake and a 3-tiered chocolate heart cake—They’re pretty impressive! Check them out below :)

This week would have been another 5 day completely normal week, but the kids earned their 10th compliment on Monday, which resulted in a compliment party on Friday afternoon. Our morning was fairly normal. We just shortened our literacy blocks a bit and then let the fun begin! For this compliment party each kid was able to make their own pizza with all the supplies we bought last weekend. We split the kids into two groups. While one group was creating their pizza, the other group of kids stayed upstairs and read a Max Lucado book, then we switched. Once all the pizzas were made, we baked them and enjoyed our delicious lunches while we watched a movie that was sent to us for the kids for Easter. We enjoyed our pizzas, bread sticks, carrots, monster cookies, and pop! It was a fun day and the kids loved making their own pizzas! Perhaps we’ll fit another one of those days in before the school year ends!

When I put things into perspective, I realize I can't complain about anything. My life is pretty great!  This week around the world (back in the States at least) has been pretty crazy. It's sad to think that it takes events like those that have taken place this week for me to put my life into perspective and be able to see how great I have it. I haven't encountered any bombs or explosions this week and I haven't had flooding in my home, workplace, or city. Instead I get to witness beautiful sunrises and sunsets every day. I get to walk around feeling and knowing that I am safe. It's dry season here, so instead of complaining about the heat, I praise God that floods are not destroying all I have and that the sun IS shining! 

Sometimes I just need to take a step back, get a new perspective. Though I don't know what the future holds for me beyond the next month and a half, I know that I'm in good hands.
The popcorn cake.
The heart cake- 3 tiers
Makin' pizzas :)
They all got their own pop...
Monster Cookies!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Semana Diez

This week was another great week! We had a full, uninterrupted five day week. I can’t tell you the last time that happened here…Actually, I’m not sure it has happened since I’ve been here! Usually something comes up, visitors come, or tests need to be taken in the city. It was so wonderful to have a “normal” whole week of school this week. Though not everything around here was normal, this week sure felt right.

A team from Florida arrived last Saturday to help run an eye clinic here in Camichines as well as in Cocula (a nearby village). The team stayed in Cocula, which helped keep things seeming normal around here without a ton of extra traffic most days. The team screened many people in the two villages giving everyone who came sunglasses and providing prescription glasses to those who needed them. Many people from our church in the city (Guadalajara) came out to help translate for the team along with a few of the people already serving here.

Lately, I’ve begun thinking about what comes next. What the future holds. Where I’ll be after this chapter in my life. It’s not because I’m anxious to move on! I love life here in Camichines. I love working with the children here. I love working alongside this ministry. And I love getting to do what I love everyday: teach.

Every day that passes means I’m one day closer to leaving this place and these people I’ve come to love so much :( Along with that, I’m one day closer to uncertainty of my future. I don’t know where I’ll be four or five months from now. If I’ll have a teaching job in Michigan, or another state, or if I’ll be back here. The stress of the unknown is beginning to overwhelm me and daily, I have to remember that it’s all in God’s hands. That He has a plan for my life and that His plan is perfect. I may not know now where He wants me to be in four or five months, but I have to trust that He’ll reveal His plan for me in his perfect timing. Until then, I’ll do all I can: pray and wait.

“In the silence, in the waiting, still, we can know You are good.
All Your plans are for Your glory. Yes, we can know You are good!”
This is a verse from the song I mentioned in my last post, but the lyrics here have spoken truth to me that I need to be reminded of daily.

He has brought me here in His own perfect timing and I expect nothing less of the next chapter of my life. Instead of worrying, stressing, or becoming anxious about what the future holds I choose to hold on to this verse:
Philippians 4:6-7 “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.

I’ll choose to make the most of the time I know I have here! Make the most of my time left with these beautiful children of God!

Enjoy the pictures below from this week at school! (If you want to see more, check out my album on Facebook or follow this link if you don’t have Facebook:

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Dios Fiel—Semana Nueve

This past week was pretty great. Our initial mini Spring Break was extended a couple days. We stayed in the city until early Tuesday afternoon, then drove back home to Camichines. We had a wonderful, restful break, but it felt good to be back with the family and kids again! They were very excited for our arrival and the kids were quick observers and informed us that our skin had “changed colors.” I’m a little bit closer to being as tan as them :) and I think it kind of took them by surprise!

We resumed school Wednesday and went through Friday, which was a nice way to ease back into school after break. We had a great rest of the week and nothing really eventful happened here. The kids were ready to get back to school and so were we! It’s such a different culture living here. Not just Mexico, but in this lovely home. The kids want to have school every day. You might think I’m exaggerating, but I assure you, I’m not! It never fails that at least one kid asks me on Saturday morning why we don’t have school or on a Friday why we don’t have school the next day. Thus, when we were initially planning a little Spring Break, the kids were very confused as to why we would take a break from school and actually a little disappointed. These kids LOVE school—It’s as simple as that! I’m glad they love it though! It makes my job so much easier to have the privilege of teaching kids who can’t ever seem to get enough school in!

You might be wondering what the title of this post means, but don’t worry, I’m getting there…

Dios Fiel. Faithful God. A simple statement, that has been given a new light here. I’ve always known God is faithful, but I feel like being here has really given me a more profound understanding of how faithful God really is.

I’ve been here for a little over two months now and as I look back at everything that brought me here, I see His faithfulness in it all. I see His faithfulness in guiding me and directing my heart toward this ministry to serve Him alongside those who were already here at Ranchito con Esperanza. I see His faithfulness in His provision for my trip here and the cost of living. Once I accepted His will to come here and talked to my family about my decision, it was within a week that He provided the funds I needed to fly here and provide for housing and food expenses as well as some curriculum costs. He is faithful. He is the great provider.

As I learn more about this ministry and watching how it works so well, I never ceased to be amazed at how God provides. Not only was He faithful in providing for me to come here, but He is faithful daily to those here. He faithfully provides for the needs of the whole family here: food, clothes, medicine, or whatever else is need. There is nothing more we could want or ask for that He hasn’t already been faithful to provide for us. I am amazed at how it all works out, and it always does!

Thus, the title for my blog post: Dios Fiel. Because God is faithful! He always has been and always will be.

The Lord our God is ever faithful
Never changing through the ages
From this darkness
You will lead us
And forever we will say,
“You’re the Lord our God!”