Wednesday, June 5, 2013

La Última Semana

Well, what a whirlwind of a week! Our last week of school flew by! Between the packing, celebrations, goodbyes and all, things were a bit chaotic, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. We ended our school week Friday and just did a bunch of fun activities with the kids the whole morning. After lunch, we packed up the whole classroom, organized and cleaned up. We also had to pack our own stuff as well for the trip home. Saturday we took the kids who passed this month’s Bible challenge out to lunch in Cocula.

Sunday evening we took the kids on a little walk for some extra time with them and we said our goodbyes to them after dinner as we put them to bed. We went into their rooms and prayed with them, gave (and received) lots of BIG hugs and “I love you”s. We left for Guadalajara at 3:45am and got to the airport with plenty of time to spare. My trip home was rather uneventful (but I’ll take that any day over my trip there)! I was quite content to walk through the airport at a reasonable pace instead of sprinting and frantically trying to make my connecting flight. J

Thank you for all of your prayers, support, and encouragement over the past four months! It has been good to see my family and friends and catch up a bit. I’m looking forward to doing more of that this summer. However, I am already missing my familia in Mexico like crazy! It’s going to be quite the adjustment to not see their faces every day, give them hugs, and hear my name shouted across the yard.

I would greatly appreciate prayers as I transition into this next stage of life, whatever that may be. I’m looking for a job for the fall and excited, while nervous, to see where God will lead me. I’m trusting that His plan for me is good and will be worked out in His time. He’s blessed me in so many ways in the past 23 years and worked things out so perfectly, I don’t know how I could expect anything different!

I hope you enjoy a few pictures from our final week of school and my last days at Ranchito con Esperanza!
Morning Devotional
Playing games...all sorts :)
All smiles on the last day of school!
Out for treats in Cocula with the kids who passed the Bible challenge this month!
Hanging out 
On our walk...
Showing Dixie some love.
Enjoying our walk.

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