Saturday, May 25, 2013

El Zoológico—Semana Dieciséis

This week was yet another wonderful week. We had normal school days except for Thursday. On Thursday, we had a school field trip and went to the zoo in Guadalajara. The kids were very excited about the field trip, and I can’t lie, I was quite excited myself! It was a hard secret to keep the past couple weeks! :) The kids were hilarious and they were fascinated by the silliest things: goldfish in the little ponds, squirrels running through animal pens, bugs crawling on the sidewalk, and all the coins in the crocodile’s pond. There were several funny quotes I overheard while we were checking out all the animals, but of course, I can only remember some of them…

My personal favorites:
*The snake’s whole body convulsed and my 4-year old buddy said, “I think he has the hiccups!”

*Me: “So, what do you think about the hippo?”
4-year old buddy: “I think he’s pretty fat.”
Me: “You’re right. He is pretty fat.” :)

*My 6-year old buddy: “The giraffe is following you, Miss Kylie. I think it likes you!”
Me: “Oh, maybe!”
4-year old buddy: “I think it wants to kiss me.”

We had a great day, and were able to enjoy many activities including snacking on a few different treats, feeding some birds, and petting the giraffes (my favorite part). I took way too many pictures, so I just have to share some of them with you! Don’t worry, I won’t put them all on here, but if you want to see more adorable children and fun animals, check out my zoo album on Facebook! –Just follow this link: 

It’s hard to believe this next week is our final week of school! Time has flown by and I find myself wishing it to slow down so I can soak up as much time as possible here!! This next week will be a busy one as a team is arriving on Sunday to help out for part of the week and interns for the summer have already started to arrive. It’s that time of year when you have to finish report cards, have parent teacher conferences, pack up the classroom for the summer, get summer school things set up, and still teach meaningful lessons in the meantime. It’s going to be a busy week, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

I would appreciate prayers in this final week of school for the kids and for us teachers as well as we prepare to head back to the states and have to begin packing our stuff up for the trip home among everything else that is going on. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the pictures :)
The van ride to the zoo
Waiting to get in
Obsessed with the goldfish
Checking out the coins on the bottom of the crocodile pond
Taking a break
Petting the jirafa!
The all the students and the teachers

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