Saturday, May 11, 2013

Semana Catorce- Las Muchachas y El Equipo

(Week 14- The Ladies and the Team)

We had a busy and extremely productive week here in Camichines. A HUGE thank you to all of the guys from BHBC (my home church) who gave a week of their time to help move along several construction projects. The team of 12 arrived last Friday and worked hard all week from the very moment of their arrival, sun up to sun down. So many projects, big and bigger, were accomplished and we are so grateful for all they were able to get done!  Check out some pictures below of what they were able to get done in what will be the school rooms next year as well as the bedrooms on the second floor of the house!

Not only did this group do some incredible construction projects, but several also helped out in other ways. “Mr. Scripture” visited us and helped the kids memorize part of Psalm 34 (one of this month’s Bible challenges). Don (Amber’s dad) taught Bible, talked with the kids about the writing process and being an author, and even led us in a little “bind us together” at singing circle, which the kids loved! A few of the other guys helped teach P.E. one day as they are soccer experts and we are not!

We were able to join the team on a few excursions during the week. Sunday, Amber and I joined them on their “tour” of Guadalajara where we ate a huge lunch at Pollo Pepe, checked out the market and did a little shopping, and laughed a lot. We also joined them for a few dinners “out.” We went to La Gallina, a seafood restaurant, as well as the always enjoyable meal at Tortas.

Our school week was actually pretty normal aside from the occasional visitor for singing circle, morning message, and Bible. On Wednesday, we made a trip into the city with the kids. Instead of the ladies (las muchachas) coming here this month, we went to Guadalajara to see them. One of the families generously opened up their beautiful home to us and we learned all about Asian Amerians, enjoyed amazing food and even had a chance to swim in their pool. The kids loved every second of it and I can’t lie, I enjoyed soaking up the sun even though it meant having a kid or two holding onto my arms as flotation devices.

The team left yesterday morning and made it back home safely. We can cannot say "Thank you" enough to them for all of their hard work and accomplishments this week! 

Three weeks left of school. Three. That is a small, scary number. I call it small (for obvious reasons), but scary for a few less obvious reasons. My fear of the unknown—not knowing what comes next—and also scary in the sense that I have to say goodbye in just a little over three weeks.

On a lighter note, here are a couple funny quotes from the week:

*3 year old: “Is that guy coming?”
Me: “What guy?” (There are 12 extras here from the BHBC team)
3 year old: “Ummm, the one with the pants, and the shirt, and shoes…He plays the guitar and sings!”
Me: “Mr. Don?”
3 year old: “Yeah, him!”
Me: “Yup! He’s going to sing with us today!”

*6 year old: “I’m going to build you a dog house.”
4 year old: “I’ll build you a pig house.”
Me: “Okay, but where will I live?”
School construction before the team arrived
School construction after the team worked for 5 1/2 days
Hard at work
The team leveled and tiled and painted this room
Leveled and painted this room
Leveled and tiled this room
Leveled and tiled this utility room and brought up the washer and dryer!
Don singing with the kids
Don teaching Bible
"Mr. Scripture" (Phil) in costume!
"Mr. Scripture" helping the kids recite Psalm 34
The whole crew

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