Saturday, May 4, 2013

Tres Meses

Another crazy and busy week here at Ranchito con Esperanza!

Sunday, we were able to celebrate Amber’s birthday with just the teachers (Amber, Jenny, and me), which was fun! Nothing super fancy: we had pizza and made strawberry and nutella crepes for dessert! A nice early birthday celebration. We even fit in a game of hand and foot (one of our favorites).

Monday was a fairly normal day of school. I was able to get in all of my lesson plans during the day, which is always a good thing! (You’d be surprised how often the schedule changes last minute as this week is a perfect example of…)

Tuesday, Amber’s birthday morning started a bit rough with a crazy bug experience and trips to the clinic and hospital, but the bug problem was solved. Just in time for the kids’ performance of a play that Becky (one of the Acosta daughters) wrote and Gracie (another daughter) directed. It was adorable and the kids did a great job. In the morning, I did my normal routine with my students calling them up group by group, but the other kids were downstairs reading/playing until Jenny came back. After the play and lunch, we were able to have an hour of school in the afternoon. Amber had an amazing owl birthday cake created by none other than Becky! Probably the cutest cake I’ve ever seen! (Check out the picture below!)

Wednesday was another normal day of school. After school we had Kid’s Club. The attendance this month was smaller than normal, but this week has been festival in Camichines where lots of games, activities, and food stands pop up in town. It’s hard to compete with free bulls! The kids who came really enjoyed it and we had fun with the smaller number of kids. There was even some face painting action going on, which the kids LOVED!

Thursday started as a normal day, but 30 minutes into the morning, we found out that some visitors were coming and wanted to play with the children. So, we did another hour of school and then, sent the kids down when the group arrived. By the time the group left, we only had time for an hour of the afternoon for school. The evening was fun though as we were able to take out the three students who completed April’s Bible challenge! The students were each given two Bible challenges to complete if they wanted to. The first option was to write out Psalm 86 or 139 and explain it to one of the teachers. If completed they received a treat from the prize box. The second option was to memorize one of the Psalms (86 or 139) and say it without help to one of the teachers by the end of the month. Many kids worked hard on this, but this month, our three oldest completed the challenge. Their reward was a night out with the teachers! We took them to Peter Piper Pizza (which is like the Chuck E. Cheese of Mexico). They had a blast eating pizza and breadsticks, drinking manzanita, playing games, earning tickets, and choosing their prizes! It was a fun night out with those three kids. So much fun to be able to spoil them a little for all of their hard work! They’re already getting started on May’s challenge! :)

Friday was a great day! We had a normal day of school for the most part. The team from our home church, Blythefield Hills Baptist Church (BHBC) arrived during PE and got to meet the kids. We finished our afternoon of school while the team got the tour of the property. After school, they came back and got to work right away. These guys are no joke and we’re so excited to see all that they will accomplish this week!

I can’t believe I’ve been here for over 3 months now. It feels like I just got here and at the same time that I’ve been here forever (in a good way)! The hard part of reaching this 3 month mark is knowing that in less than a month, I will have to leave. I’m doing my best not to think about that dreaded day that is coming where I’ll have to say goodbye to these kids, uncertain of a return. Instead, I’m trying to enjoy every moment, big and small, that I get to experience with them…A few more from my list of thanks moments this week:
  • Being awoken by baby giggles
  • Singing the wheels on the bus with the cutest little man        
  • Getting called “Tía Kylie” by accident on a few occasions (Aunt Kylie—a status that interns receive after being here for at least 9 months)
  • Spontaneous worship evening with Amber
  • Hearing kids recite Psalms they’ve memorized
  • Playing games and enjoying time with the 3 oldest kids
  • The sounds of construction—volunteers from the BHBC team hard at work
The owl cake
The cast of the play
Having fun at Peter Piper
Proudly displaying some of their tickets! They loved the games!!
Enjoying the food.

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