Sunday, May 19, 2013

Semana Quince—Piano, Tonala, y Mi Cumpleaños

This past week was a good one! (What’s new?) Sunday, we celebrated Mother’s Day by following up our church Spanish worship service with some pizza back home. We all were able to squeeze in and sit at the table like a big, happy family. The food was delicious and it was fun to celebrate the wonderful mother these children have! Amy is indeed a blessing to us all!

Our school week was fairly normal and uninterrupted. The kids are staying focused overall, which is awesome as we now only have two weeks left of school. I hope that continues throughout the next two weeks as well, but we shall see! :)

On Friday afternoon, the kids had a piano recital. The older kids (1st grade and up) have been taking piano lessons from Amber this year. They each play a song or two for us and it was super fun to get to see them show off all they have been learning! Amber put together a video of all that has happened this semester to show at the beginning of the recital and T.J. (one of the Acosta kids) led all of the kids in a few songs they’ve been learning in music class as the closer for the recital.-I had to steal a few pictures from others for this as I was holding a baby during the recital and couldn’t take my own pictures, but you’ll see them at the end.

Saturday, Jenny, Amber, Ling Di and I went into the city (Guadalajara) for a baby shower. It was a fun time of fellowship with the ladies from the church. After the shower, we went to Tonala and I got a little shopping done. It was a long, hot afternoon, but totally worth it! Before we went back to the city, Jenny and Amber took me out to dinner at a little Italian restaurant that was delicious! When we got back to Camichines, we had a girls’ night where we ate delicious snacks while watching a movie. It was a great start to my birthday weekend.

This morning, I woke up to a room with birthday signs that made me laugh and then walked downstairs into a delicious feast that was prepared by my two fellow teachers. Jenny and Amber made had cinnamon roll pancakes (yes, they tasted as amazing as they sound), eggs, orange juice, and gave me a beautiful new mug that was awaiting me on the table. We had a relaxing morning with a little extra time on our hands as we didn’t make it into the city for church. Instead I was blessed to watch last week’s sermon from BHBC online and just enjoyed some quiet time and a lazy day. I was blessed in the house by many signs made by little hands as well as a birthday celebration. I was serenaded, given gifts and lots of birthday wishes, AND Becky made me an ice cream cake! J It was a lovely day full of celebration and I feel so loved by those here and friends and family back home. I am so grateful for this past year of life that God blessed me with and I am excited to see what He has in store for me this year as I continue to serve Him and love others.
Piano Recital/Teacher Appreciation
Representing Camichines at the baby shower
Shopping at Tonala
Bday breakfast :) My new mug (from Tonala) and cinnamon roll pancakes!
One of the lovely signs...Check out the story below, it'll make more sense!
One of my students is convinced that I'm married and calls me MRS. Kylie. One night last week before bed, she described what my "husband" looked like and here's what she said, "He has pink eyes. His lips, blue. And his hands are green! ...'Cause green is your favorite color."

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