Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cosas Comicas

I thought I would mix things up a bit and share a few funny quotes from the children…

There isn’t a single day that goes by without a TON of laughter during school and after school. Kids say the funniest things sometimes, as I’m sure any teacher or parent can testify :)

Needless to say, I’ve got quite a collection of funny little quotes and stories from the beautiful children I get to teach and love every day. I have been so very blessed by my time here and I hope that in some way, these silly little quotes give you just a glimpse of the joy and love that I am surrounded by on a daily basis.

*Student: “I’m excited for tomorrow.”
Me: “For our compliment party?”
Student: “Yeah. And because it’s Thanksgiving!”
(Actually, it was Valentine’s Day, or Día del Amor y la Amistad)

*4 year old: “When I grow up, I want to be a real ballet Barbie…and a cowgirl.” (To Diego) “and someday, you will grow up like a king!”

*4 year old: “That’s not a bird, it’s a donkey! …You know why?”
Me: “Why?”
4 year old: “Someday donkeys will fly!”

*While reading a book one of the characters said they were going to play chess.
4 year old (sincerely): “Ah, I LOVE chess!”
Me (surprised): “Wow, I don’t even know how to play chess!”
4 year old: *thinks for a second* “I don’t either!”

*Visitor: “What’s your favorite food?” 
3 year old: “My favorite food is hot dogs and basketball”

*Newer Student: “Mrs. Kylie?”
3rd grader: “She’s Miss…She’s not married!”
Newer Student: “She’s not? I thought she was.”
3rd grader: “Nope. Not yet otherwise she would have brought her husband here with her!”
Newer Student: Oh, I thought she had kids!”

*1st grader: “I thought I saw you in Mommy’s room.”
3rd grader: “What? You thought you saw me in my mother’s womb?”
…Psalm 139 on the mind?!

*4 year old: “I’ve had 17 tacos already!...This is my second.”

*6 year old: “I want real snow. You know why?”
Me: “Why?”
6 year old: “So I can eat it!”
4 year old: “I want snow so I can build a snowman and a Barbie…(whispers) and a prince! Hehe.”

*4 year old: “Butterflies!” *running through dust and smiling*
Me: “No. That’s dust…”
4 year old: “Oh”

*4 year old: “Something stinks” *smells her feet* “I think it’s my feet.”
Me: “You  have stinky feet?”
4 year old: “No…it must be my shoes” *smells her shoes* “Yup, they smell like dirt.”
*5th grader: “Maestra Kylie, your skin changed colors!” –Yes, I’m tan.

*6 year old: “I’m so excited because we’re almost done with the alphabet!” (Silence) “Aren’t you guys excited?!” (Silence and weird looks from the other kids) “I said aren’t you guys excited?!” (More silence)
Me: “I’m excited with you!”
6 year old: (to the rest of the table) “Uh, can’t you guys be excited with me?”

*Doing a lesson for SEP Math…
Me: “Cinco por dos.”
Abel: “Cien.”
Me: “No. Cinco por Dios….Dos!”
Yup, we all make mistakes…

*3 year old: “You make me funny!”
Me: “I make you laugh?”
3 year old: “No, you make me funny!”

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